What's going on?

This website has been a work in progress (well, mostly a lot of procrastination mixed in) for quite some time, and I finally feel that the time is right for me to share my vision with the world (starting with Singapore).

While this will serve to be a window into my photography as I see it, I will also be sharing posts that are both personal to me and may be of interest to you. Don't worry, it's not going to be all about photography. I have a huge interest in all things gaming, technology and music (particularly headphones) as well, among other things. With whatever free time I might have, I'll be writing and sharing on these topics without having you to gouge your eyes from reading it.

Do take a look around and drop me an e-mail to share your thoughts and feedback. Better still, hire me to do photography for you! So pick up that mouse and keyboard, and fire those salvoes of e-mails! (Alternatively, just have fun browsing my content. Cheers!)